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Laksminingpuri, Neneng
Lestiana, Hilda, Research Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Indonesia)
Lestiana, Hilda, LIPI
Lestiana, Hilda
Lestiana, Hilda (Indonesia)
Lintjewas, Lediyantje
Lintjewas, Lediyantje, Pusat geoteknologi LIPI (Indonesia)
Listiyowati, Lina Nur, Research Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Indonesia)
Listiyowati, Lina Nur (Indonesia)
Lubis, Mirna (Indonesia)
Lubis, R. Fajar (Indonesia)
Lubis, Rachmat Fajar, Research Center for Geotechnology Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) (Indonesia)
Lubis, Rachmat Fajar (Indonesia)
Lubis, Rachmat Fajar, Pusat Riset Limnologi & Sumber Daya Air, BRIN (Indonesia)
Lubis, Rachmat Fajar
Lubis, Rachmat Fajar (Indonesia)
Lubis, Rachmat Fajar (Japan)

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